Sunday, August 17, 2008

Night Diving, Tunku Abdul Rahman Park - 29th August

We are night diving in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park on 29th August.

The islands within the park offer some very safe and rewarding night dive sites with plenty of marine life to be found including a variety of crustaceans, nudibranchs, squid and cuttlefish, feeding coral polyps and much more.

Night diving is a unique experience, with your vision restricted our other senses are heightened and more alert, i liken this feeling to walking through the woods at night !

Departure from the jetty is at 6 pm and we should return by 8pm for the 1 dive program. All equipment including torches are available to rent. Please contact us if you'd like more information and would like to join us.

Telephone Hotline: +6 012 866 1935
Dive Shop: +6 088 23 23 75